Three men hugging PDA

Sex & Sobriety

Pepper Diet


PDA is a sober, sex-positive retreat helping men connect with their erotic selves and build intimacy with each other. This curated experience is aligned with the spiritual principles of 12-step recovery.

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Exciting Days

Join us for Pepper Diet Academy (a.k.a. PDA)


Three and a half days in 2025, TBD


Most likely in California, Somewhere Private 😉

Embrace a journey of self-discovery, where you’ll explore the depths of intimacy and erotic communion in a safer, respectful, and non-judgmental space. Celebrate the joy and wisdom of your body, and connect authentically with others who value spiritual paths and creativity for playful interactions. 


This Academy is not just a retreat; it’s the formation of a lifelong community, offering strength, support, and love.

A Transformation in your Erotic Education

Pepper Diet Academy is an extraordinary weekend conference for male-identified individuals seeking personal evolution and connection in a sober environment. Our retreat offers a unique blend of workshops, activities, and 12-step meetings focused on healing, growth, and the integration of sex, desire, and the spiritual principles of recovery.

Join us for a transformative experience to enrich your life, nurturing you towards a more fulfilled self.





Help Make PDA Happen

We are funded by registration fees, donations, and grants. The more donations we receive, the lower we can make the registration and have this experience available

Register for PDA

The Academy is a three-day residential conference which requires agreements to our terms and pre-registration.