The more you know...

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read these FAQ responses to the most common questions, and if you need more information, use the Contact Us form below.
  • -> There is a sobriety requirement of a minimum of 1-year abstinence from all non-prescribed chemical substances (including alcohol, drugs, etc.)
  • -> For men (ages 21+) who have preferably completed all 12-Steps with their sponsors
-> PDA welcomes men from diverse backgrounds, including all body shapes/sizes, skin colors, cultures, ages, socioeconomic statuses, & dis/abilities
-> In our first year, we’re focusing on male-centric programming, though we we acknowledge the rich spectrum of gender identities in our community
-> We’re committed to learning & growing, aiming to increasingly address & include non-binary & diverse gender identities in our future programs
-> Your input is invaluable to us, so please reach out via the Contact Us form below if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions
-> Some of our workshops may request that you be in various levels of undress
-> In some cases, participants will be invited to get completely naked
-> We respect all bodies as beautiful & will not tolerate shaming others for any reason
-> We welcome men to engage in a consensual exchange of erotic and sexual energy at PDA
-> Though there will be intimate touch and body contact, this is not a sober sex party, not a place to hook-up, nor a retreat simply for sexual gratification
-> The Academy weekend will be an opportunity to learn new intimacy and communication skills while practicing the tools of 12-step recovery
-> No, we do not define our Academy program as therapeutic
-> We guide men through skillful experiences, leaving participants to define its meaning & value
-> You are encouraged to get professional self-care outside of PDA as appropriate
-> To create comfort & emotional safety of all participants, there will be no use of mobile phones in any non-private spaces
-> No photography is permitted until the “Gear Profile Pictures”, & the last hour of the final day
-> Any & all photos require the explicit consent of the subjects
-> Registration will open in late 2024
-> We will email or text you to confirm your participation
-> If you do not hear from us, use the Contact Us form below to let us know
-> Academy registrants will be invited to a private Slack channel to communicate with each other and remain connected with organizers, presenters, and alumni

If there is anything else...

Ask your Questions

PDA welcomes your ideas, support, feedback, and we also want to hear about your concerns. The Academy is still in the planning stage so it may take us a little while to get back to you. The PDA committee is all-volunteer so please be patient as we attempt to respond.

    Help Make PDA Happen

    We are funded by registration fees, donations, and grants. The more donations we receive, the lower we can make the registration and have this experience available
