Vision and Mission

Pepper Diet Academy aims to provide safer nurturing environments where sober, sex-positive men can freely explore intimate connections to accept and embrace their sexual identities. 

Through events grounded in the demonstrated effectiveness of the 12-steps of anonymous programs, PDA empowers these men with the knowledge and community support necessary for their journey in celebrating their authentic selves and eroticism.

PDA Strives to:

  • Foster a shame-free approach for men to have consensual intimate experiences
  • Enhance confidence and develop skills that support sobriety in sexually charged situations
  • Equip men with the tools and knowledge needed for communication of desires and sexual boundaries
  • Create a new relationship with intimacy that isn’t dependent on substance use or other addictive behaviors
  • Explore the connection between spirituality and sexuality, promoting ease in integrating a higher power into relationships

Help Make PDA Happen

We are funded by registration fees, donations, and grants. The more donations we receive, the lower we can make the registration and have this experience available